Belgrave Square

Elizabeth Smith's history of Belgrave Square was first delivered to the Rathmines, Rathgar & Ranelagh Historical Society in the Rathmines Town Hall on 25th February 2010. We reproduce it here with her kind permission.



A Green Space for Young and Old

Elizabeth Smith

Certificate in Local History

Dublin City Public Libraries

In association with Department of History

NUI Maynooth

Dr Séamus O Maitiú


Until the beginning of the 19th Century, Dublin was confined to the area between the canals but from the early 1800s onwards there was a rapid expansion of the city. More...

Until the 1830’s the area which is now Belgrave Square was a field with a river running through it from west to east. More...

By the late 1890’s Belgrave Square had fallen into disrepair. More...

Before any public announcement was made some residents suspected in 1973 that the Square was to be sold. More...